north west of the merchant in Flooded Causeway,.south of the Road to Alcarnus waypoint,.The Crumbling Vault (and Vault Treasure Room)(Stinging Winds),.the random dungeon The Ruins Levels 1 and 2 (Stinging Winds),.near the ceremonial circle in Secret Altar (Howling Plateau),.I just did a playthrough of Act II and I've seen them in:.The books are sequenced and it doesn't matter where you pick them up. The Seven Lords of Hell, Belial the Lord of Lies, Azmodan the Lord of Sin, Diablo the Lord of Terror, Andarial the Maiden of Angish, Duriel the Lord of Pain, Mephisto the Lord of Hatred, and Baal the Lord of Destruction - Cain's Lost Satchels throughout the act.During The Scouring of Caldeum until the end of Act II. During Blood and Sand & The Black Soulstone. During Unexpected Allies & Betrayer of the Horadrim. During The Road to Alcarnus (from Find the Khasim Outpost) & City of Blood. Certain ones are available during certain quests. Leah's Journal (8-12) - Right side of the Hidden Camp during major missions.

Kulle's Journal Part 4 - Drops from the defeated Zoltun Kulle in Archives of Zoltun Kulle.Kulle's Journal Part 3 - At the end of Cave of the Betrayer Level 2.Kulle's Journal Part 2 - At the start of Cave of the Betrayer Level 1.Kulle's Journal Part 1 - At the End of Vault of the Assassin.Larra's Diary - In a random Deserted Cellar with the merchant Larra in Black Canyon Mines after you talk to the merchant Larra who appears there.The Last Will of Khan Dakab - In the random location Tomb of Khan Dakab in the Dahlgur Oasis.Kala's Poem - Kala (North side of Hidden Camp), after her conversation Noble Dreams from the end of Betrayer of the Horadrim and during the quest Blood and Sand.The Legend of Zei the Trickster - Shen, after his conversation A Case of Mistaken Identity which is available from the start of Act II.Iron Wolf Captain's Journal - On the northern part of Alcarnus, you will find the Iron Wolf's Captain's Corpse which will drop this journal.Eirena's Journal - Eirena, after the conversation Eirena's Journey available throughout Act II so long as Eirena has been out of the party at least once.It spawns after you kill the skeletons that will spawn upon investigating the bones. The Promises of Fezuul al-Kazaar - Kill the unique Grotesque Fezuul that spawns at a randomly occurring puddle of water with a number of bones in the Dahlgur Oasis.The Musings of Sardar - In the random location Tomb of Sardar in the Dahlgur Oasis.Zoltun Kulle - In the Hidden Camp, once you begin Betrayer of the Horadrim, it will be on the ground beside Adria.Fuad's Journal - In the random location Fuad's Cellar in Howling Plateau, kill the Unique enemy Fuad and he drops this.According to this forum post and my own experience, they are located as follows: Judge of Character