Wow simple unit frames
Wow simple unit frames

If i didn't recognize the title, i wouldn't have looked in here because it had already received replies and thus wouldn't have seen your request. Next time, please make a separate thread for requests.

wow simple unit frames wow simple unit frames

Let me know if it works, and if it's what you were looking for! :) Lastly, if you use custom frames from an addon (since you mentioned frames that look exactly like blizzard's), you should use the /fstack command in-game to find out their names. Use to turn this script into an addon and put it into your WoW client folder. This will hide blizzard's player, target, and target of target frames while out of combat and show them while in combat. Make sure frames stay hidden while out of combat

wow simple unit frames

PlayerFrame:Hide() - hides frames when client has loaded ) - hides/shows frames when leaving/entering combat Local inCombat = false -need own variable becuase of event timingsį:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") - entered combatį:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") - left combatį:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event. I've gone ahead and wrote and tested a script that does what you want.

Wow simple unit frames